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Grey Duiker
Latin: (Sylvicapra grimmia)
Afrikaans: Grys Duiker
One often only sees this little guy bounding away into the bushveld. Their usual evasive tactic is to rely on their excellent camouflage and remain absolutely still when danger approaches until the very last moment when it dashes away. This makes for a fun challenging hunt. The Bush- or Grey Duiker is a unique animal that can survive long periods without water by relying on the moisture by browsing fruit
Latin: (Syncerus caffer)
Afrikaans: Buffel
Author and adventurer Robert Ruark put it best: “I don’t know what there is about a Buffalo that frightens me so. Lions and Leopards and Rhinos excite me but don’t frighten me. But the Buff is so big and so mean and ugly and hard to stop, and vindictive and cruel and surly and ornery. He looks like he hates you personally. He looks like you owe him money. He looks like he is hunting you.” The African Buffalo doubtlessly deserves its tough reputation but I am yet to meet any hunter worth his salt not dreaming of the opportunity to stalk up to these behemoths.
Blue wildebees
Latin: (Connochaetes taurinus)
Afrikaans: Blouwildebees
Also known as the “Gnu” after their distinctive nasal call the Bluewildebeest is one of the most quintessential bushveld animals. Native legends have it that God ran out of parts while creating all the animals in the animal kingdom – so he took the remaining forequarters of a buffalo and attached it to the hind legs of an antelope thus resulting in the characteristic but handsome build of the brindled gnu with large forequarters and elegant hind legs. Blue wildebeest always make a fine trophy and a challenging hunt.

Latin: (Oryx gazella)
Afrikaans: Gemsbok
One of the most desert adapted large animals capable of surviving in waterless wastelands where few others can. Oryx have beautiful facial markings with straight lance like horns.

Latin name: (Taurotragus oryx)
Afrikaans: Eland
The gentle giant. Africa’s largest antelope, older animals are so heavy that their hooves make a distinct clicking sound while walking. Despite their bulk Eland are incredible jumpers able to clear a 3m fence at little more than a trot. These animals are great wanderers covering incredible distances in a single day.

Latin: (Giraffa camelopardalis)
Afrikaans: Kameelperd
Giraffe are unmistakable, Africa’s tallest animal
standing up to 6m tall. Dark brown coats broken up into patches by a network of
lighter hairs. Each pattern unique to the individual animal. Some of our bulls age into an almost pitch black coat while the
females tend to be lighter.

Latin: (Tragelaphus
Afrikaans: Koedoe
Kudu probably have the most well deserved nickname on the continent.
The Grey Ghost has the ability to simply disappear in front of your eyes. No
African trophy room is complete without the tall spiral horns of a Southern
Greater Kudu. But know that it will not come easy. Kudu love rocky broken
mountainous areas where quiet stalking is often near impossible but always an

Latin: (Apeycerus melampus)
Afrikaans: Rooibok
The most prolific antelope on the African continent the Impala is
often regarded as merely common. But it remains one of the favourites among
hunters. With a tall head and an athletic straight back few animals have a
posture so proud as the Impala ram. In May when the rut starts the rams can be
heard roaring and fighting from kilometres away and still fills even the most
hardened PH with melancholy as he recalls what was most likely his first hunt.
Impala are often a young hunters first quarry.

Latin: (Tragelaphus angasii)
Afrikaans: Njala
The most dimorphic of Africas antelope where the differences, not just in size, between sexes are astounding. Males are dark in colour except for its unique tan coloured lower legs, giving the impression that they are wearing stockings, with a fringe of dark hair from the throat all the way to hindquarters and a characteristic long white dorsal crest. Beautiful spots along the coat and a chest and nose chevron make it one of the most beautiful trophies.

Latin: (Phacochoerus aetiopicus)
Afrikaans: Vlakvark
Part of the pig family named after the prominent warts on its face males have large well-developed tusks. It is the only pig adapted for grazing in savanna habitats. An almost characteristic of the warthog is its habit of running with the tails erect not unlike a car aerial. The theory is that this allows other members of the family to keep sight of each other as the animals move through long grass. Warthog are highly diurnal spending nights underground.

Latin: (Hipotagrus niger)
Afrikaans: Swartwitpens
A very handsome jet black animal with a snow white belly and savage backward curling scimitar horns. The natural world is full of stories of Sable fighting Lions, Leopards and other predators to the death backing up into a thicket forcing it’s pursuers to attack from the front. The Sable would then deal out sweeping blows with is horns. The Sable is a very handsome and sought after trophy offering a challenging hunt.

Latin: (Kobus
Afrikaans: Waterbok
One of a few animals in the bushveld you often smell before you see.
Waterbuck excrete a strong smelling oily substance to repel predators and as
theory has it also serves as waterproofing when the waterbuck runs into water
to evade predators. A handsome animal with a very stocky build and long shaggy
coat and a handsome head.

Latin: (Equus
Afrikans: Sebra
Burchell’s or Plains Zebra proves that camouflage isn’t always what
you expect it to be. The distinctive black and white coloring of the Plains
Zebra makes for an incredibly striking trophy but seems to have the magical
power of disappearance in the bushveld.